Sports Refund Policy
Sports Refund Policy
Refunds will be requested through the appropriate convener. Any equipment and uniforms belonging to Chalmers Community Centre and the gold copy of the registration form (Child Fitness Tax Receipt) must be returned to the convener prior to the refund being issued.
There could be various reasons why families may request a refund of their registration fees. Outlined below are some guidelines pertaining to when a refund would be issued.
Full Refund
1.) Player cannot be placed on a team with any community center located in the North-East District under the sports association boundaries
2.) Player has a medical condition and has been advised by a Medical Practitioner not to play (Player has not played any games)
Pro-rated Refunds may be issued based on the time of the request
1.) Prior to the first practice player decides to withdraw his/her registration (no longer wants to play)
- Refund of 100% issued except the club fee
2.) After first practice but before the first scheduled game and/or submission of team rosters
- Refund of 75% issued except the club fee
3.) After first game but before conclusion of the first quarter of the scheduled games
- Refund of 50% issued except the club fee
If for any reason a player was injured and for medical reasons cannot finish the season the registration fee will be prorated over the course of the season and the refund would be calculated for the un-played portion of the season. In this case the club fee may be waived.
Extenuating circumstances not mentioned above may arise wherein a parent/guardian may request a refund of the registration fee. From a club perspective it is best to deal with these situations on a case by case basis taking into account the facts of each situation in order to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement for all parties involved.